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How to Eating Healthy

Eating Healthy – by incorporating new eating habits like drinking more water, eating at home more, making an eating plan, reducing portions, and starting a food journal. Start with small changes, like eating smaller meals more often. Your health insurance or Medicare plan may pay for a visit to a dietician to get a diet or meal plan that could help you to “Eat Healthily,” and work for you within your lifestyle.

Prepare Meals at Home

Eat at home instead of eating meals out. There are lots of meal plans available through the American Heart Association. The American Diabetes Association can provide you with a diet plan in which you count carbs to eating healthy at home in place of eating meals out. The American Diabetes Association can provide you with a diet plan in which you count carbs to eating healthy at home.

Meal Plans

Making a meal plan each week, and using minimally processed food is the key to being able to “Eat Healthy.”  Cut your portions in half and eat at a slower pace and try using a smaller plate. Eating eggs in the morning can make you feel fuller and help you want to eat less during the day.


It is recommended by dieticians that you should include drinking eight glasses of water per day in your diet, which will help keep you hydrated, and you may even lose weight. Drinking more water can increase your metabolism.  Another “great” way to eating healthy is to replace sugary drinks. There are many new sugar-free and calorie-free flavored waters on the market that are quite delicious that may help in your journey to “Eat Healthy.”

Healthy Foods

In general, foods that help you in trying to eating healthy are located around the outer edges in most of most grocery stores, while processed foods are found in the center aisles.

The following is a list of some healthy foods recommended by experts to use when you want to eat healthy:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole wheat flour
  • Nuts
  • Foods low in salt, 6 grams per day is recommended
  • More Water
  • Fish and lean meats
  • Foods lower in sodium
  • Plain or Greek Yogurt
  • Peanut Butter
  • Beans
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Brown rice
  • Oats

COVID-19 Pandemic and A Nutritious Diet

The Covid-19 pandemic has been an ongoing challenge for many folks, and trying to eat healthy has been a difficult task. It is recommended now, more than ever, that a nutritious diet can boost your immune system to help you fight off symptoms.

Benefits of Learning to eat healthy  

While some foods can show a beneficial effect on mood, it is your diet pattern that is the most important. The emphasis on how to eating healthy should be focused on replacing processed food with “real” or “healthy” food whenever possible.

Start eating foods that are “the way that nature made them” is an excellent tip to follow when planning your meals and doing your grocery shopping.

Food Journal

A food or meal journal is an excellent way to approach an eating healthy attitude

How Healthy Foods Affect Your Body

Keep in mind that the foods you affect weight, cholesterol level, blood sugar, and heart health. All of these are essential aspects of an eating healthy way of life.

Make A Grocery List

Shopping can be tricky when you are trying to “Eat Healthy.” Please make a list ahead of time and stick to it! Having a list eliminates impulse buying and saves you money in the long run.


The overall goal while eating healthy should be about feeling great, increasing energy levels, improving health, and boosting your mood. It is not meant to be overwhelming, too complex, or complicated to eating healthy and can be a fun process, which you can start now!  “Enjoy your journey!”

If you need tips on any of this contact the America Heart Association or American Diabetes Association.

Or you can always contact John at Miller Ins Management by dialing  801-637-4420 or email him at clicking here!

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