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Options After Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment – Did you hesitate a little too long to buy health insurance? Have you perhaps had a life-changing event happen so that you now need health insurance? While you did miss open enrollment for 2019, there may still be a few options open to you.  Let’s try and keep you covered until the next open enrollment period for 2020, for the best results give Miller Insurance Management a call to see what they can do for you.

New Event

There is a caveat that if a life-changing or qualifying event has happened to you, then you may be eligible and qualify to purchase insurance. Again, your best options are to call for clarification, but some qualifiers can be marriage, death, and or separation from employment. The terms are interchangeable, Life Event and or Qualifying Event, and there is a lot of rules but find out if your situation may be covered, give us a call.

Job Status/Income

If you get separated from your employment that provides health insurance, look into COBRA coverage. COBRA is a type of short term insurance that can help you stay covered until the next time buying health insurance is available. Don’t balk right away about the upfront costs. Call MIM to discuss if it is the right move for you or if there is another available option.

You can also always check and try for Medicaid, and see if you qualify based on income. Discuss which option can help keep you covered until open enrollment 2020.

Short Term Coverage

There are some short term insurance options plans that could keep you covered until open enrollment 2020. The short term plans are starting to become more affordable and can still help save you money in case you were to have a large medical event. Call Miller Insurance for the Short Term Coverage that would best suit your needs.

Discover More

Truly at this point, you are not out of luck or time. There would be options if you didn’t participate in Open Enrollment 2019. The best advice that is available for you is talking to an expert about what your individual circumstances are and how best to cover you. Don’t take the gamble of going the next ten months without coverage. Life can change so much in a short time. Don’t be caught without coverage for too long and let us help you the best way we can.

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