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Summer Cooking Smells

Have you noticed all the great summer cooking smells walking around the neighborhood? I have smelled the unmistakable scent of hamburgers and steak wafting through the air as I walk my dogs. It makes my mouth water and my tummy rumble just thinking of a grilled steak. However, I have to start watching my food intake, per Doctors orders from my last health exam.

I am determined to still have a great summer food season on my grill though. Here are some ways I am going to enjoy myself.


It sounds strange, right? Grilling watermelon is one of my newfound favorite snacks. It has a texture almost liked grilled Ahi Tuna but a great char and flavored oil taste to it. If you haven’t tried it you really need to. Also, just snacking on watermelon is super healthy and so enjoyable on hot summer days.


Speaking of Ahi Tuna, fish is one of my top favorites to grill. I love a thick piece of tuna or salmon that I can sear on the flames. Fish is tasty just with some light salt and oil, but there are so many different ways to cook it on the grill that it is something you won’t get tired of trying. It also cooks quick so is excellent on nights a quick meal is needed. Make with rice, vegetables, or even fish tacos!

Cauliflower Steak and Corn

As I mentioned, I love steak and chicken. Alright, I haven’t met a meat I didn’t like but, I can’t eat just meat all summer long. (Insert whiny voice here). A great way for me to stay active cooking on the grill is by making cauliflower steak. I also soak corn in the husk and just throwing them on the grill to burn. I learned about cauliflower steak from Guy Fieri. He has a bomb recipe that he makes with his mother for mother’s day. Find the recipe and copy it until you can make your own. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

The Final Word

Trust me, you can use your grill for everything this summer and stay healthy doing it. Sear up some juicy, lean, all-natural steaks to start the summer off right. Then let that seasoning soak into your grill and just keep up the seasoning and adding on these delicious alternatives. These are just a select few options for a healthy grilling season this summer. You can always count on Miller Insurance to cook up something for all your insurance needs!

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